Monday, November 14, 2011

Respect Campaign from FA

One more post coming to close out the Fall Season.

In the meantime, I attended a mentoring session on how to handle Dissent.  While the session itself fell short (IMO), they showed this video from the FA "Respect Campaign:

It is well known that we lose a lot of young refs due to, well, obnoxious parents and coaches.  Perhaps USSF should borrow this idea from the FA and make it required viewing by all parents and coaches.

1 comment:

  1. Massachusetts Norfolk Youth Soccer has an association official make an announcement with the coaches standing alongside to the spectators (parents) about adhering to the zero tolerance to referee abuse policy - it is quite effective, even our coaches traveling to Norfolk pay much more attention to what they say and how they behave in the technical area. It is something that needs to be continual enforced during play. Spectators knowing someone is watching are more likely to behave. Also it helps to have strict sanctions in place.
