Friday, December 16, 2011

Closing out 2011

Some final thoughts on 2011.

  1. Had an interesting experience with a CR running one of my son's games this past October (that I never blogged.)  He made a call on a foul, and someone on our side yelled "Geez".  Or possibly "Jesus".  I'm not entirely sure which.  So this CR comes over to the parents side and informs us quite loudly "I do not tolerate profanity at my games.  One more word and I'll remove all the parents."  Now of course *everyone* on my son's team knows I'm a ref (indeed, I often ref just before his game) so *everyone* starts badgering me with questions.  "Can he do that?"  Yes.  "Would you do that?"  The use of that term does not meet my definition of Personal, Provocative, and Public.  Public certainly - it was loud, but it wasn't Personal and it certainly wasn't Provocative.  So I would've let that go.  "Have you ever thrown a parent out."  Almost, on 3 separate occasions.  They certainly received the "you can watch the rest of the game from your car" spiel from me.  I cynically suggested we just start shouting "Allah" to see if he would react to that.

  2. Seriously, if someone chooses to use their divine entity's name in vain, it won't offend me.  Do others care?

  3.  I don't understand UEFA's method to their madness of 6 refs.  I think the idea is good, but why oh why do they put the goal line refs on the corner near the A/R?  Why would they not be in the opposite side of the goal, meaning, in the CR's quadrant?  If anyone has insight, I'd like to hear it, even though USSF is not considering adopting this experiment.

  4. Looking at my spreadsheet for the last year, I worked 90 USSF games - 46 as a CR, 44 as an A/R.  I also worked 24 HS games, all in the dual mode as they were sub varsity.  So starting in Spring 2012 you will see me working Varsity games (we run double dual).  I also need to pick up another 30 or so games as a CR to qualify for advancement to Grade 7.
I have to admit I'm torn about trying for Grade 7.  When I first got certified last year, I set the goal to be a Grade 7 in 2 years and get to Grade 6 before I would struggle to pass the fitness test.  Now I'm not so sure.  Reffing has its ups and downs.  I enjoy being part of a game I love.  I know that although I am getting paid, I'm still effectively participating in the community.  Without me, kids would not be able to play a game they love.  Becoming a Grade 7 (or 6) shows my commitment.  But reffing takes a lot of time, and I just don't know if there's "bang for the buck" so to speak given where I'm at.  Think think think...

So on a personal note, I'm getting both my left foot and left knee examined in hope of resolving some chronic aches and pains so that I can be in good shape for the Spring season.  I'm going to also seriously consider the advice from Tales of a Soccer Referee on creating a custom pair of ref shoes that will be comfortable and functional.

And on a tongue-in-cheek note, if you are a soccer ref, please move to Colorado.  Our assignors are seriously concerned about the looming ref shortage we have in the Spring until the college aged kids come home.  Our weather rocks (as long as you don't mind snow in October and April).  Skiing is world class.  OK no beaches but hey you can't have it all. :)

Merry Christmas to all, and we'll see you in 2012.

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