Side question to other refs - does your area have sufficient refs? Reading other referee blogs, it's tough to tell. Granted, the games available are generally youth games, but I receive last minute requests for Adult Amateur refs too.
So all of my work the last two weeks has been at the HS level (and yeah, we need more HS refs too). Few comments:
- Had two more IRONMAN games. One went smoothly - partially because it was one sided (8-0 final score), perhaps also because the coaches were happy that SOMEONE showed up (apparently they had to run a game with a Parent volunteer - yikes!). I would not want to be a parent volunteer for a JV game.
- IRONMAN #2. Wow what a pain. The game was more physical - I've already observed multiple times that there are different game styles based on the background of the team, so I did expect it. I honestly feel as though I'm on top of the fouls. But this game I had to issue THREE Yellows (one to a coach) for Dissent. Um, boys, this is JV High School, you might have had a cancellation if I couldn't be there. I had a fourth Yellow for a well after the ball collision - that one was easy and even the coach yelled to his cautioned player (which in HS comes off the field) "that was DUMB DUMB DUMB." But all the Dissent does make me wonder at times - am I missing something or are they just whining?
- Two man system. We run a Dual system in sub-Varsity. The advantage is I can hang back afterwards to watch for any nonsense. But wow I find myself screened a lot for stuff that I would easily see as a normal CR.
I referee in NY, and my county has it's share of trouble getting referees. This year a group of guys did not get their paperwork in before the HS season, so the assignor had to reissue about 60 games. We also officiate in rain, cold and sometimes snow. However, our travel season is only from April to July, which I think is quite different than the western states. I gather that you are doing both HS and travel games during the same season. That would never fly here in NY.
ReplyDeleteKip: Our competitive seasons run Mar - May and again Aug - Oct (although this year with the snow outs we're running into Nov), not including pre and post season tournaments. That applies for U-11 through U-14. U15 and up do not conflict with HS. For example, our Boys HS season just concluded, so there was no U15+ Boys this Fall. U15+ Boys play in the Spring. If that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThis Spring will be interesting. The Girls ECNL is getting larger, and they play year round I think. So I wonder if the best Girls will play HS or not. Our Girls' HS season is the Spring, and as I indicated, traditionally the state Competitive league does NOT conflict with HS.