Monday, May 30, 2011


Three things of note from the big Memorial Day Weekend tournament, two of which involved PKs:

  1. In one of my son's games, his team was (correctly) awarded a PK.  So the player took it, ball hits crossbar and rebounds directly to him.  He couldn't quite control the rebound, so all he managed was a weak shot and ultimately the keeper got the ball.  EXCEPT...the CR (and I for that matter) both forgot a minor thing.  Law 14 clearly says "...If, after the penalty kick has been taken, the kicker touches the ball again (except with his hands) before it has touched another player, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team..."

    That makes total sense.  The same player cannot "double touch" any free kick, whether direct or indirect.  Of course, in this case the ball hit the 'woodwork' prior to the player committing the "double touch."  So an unusual double touch, but one nonetheless.

  2. I was CR for a U-11 Girl's bracket final.  The night before the game I reviewed "Procedures To Determine the Winner of a Match", specifically, "Kicks from the Penalty Mark."  Sure enough, my game was tied after regulation time and the tournament-specified extra time.  I was paired with experienced ARs who know how to properly administer kicks from the mark.  However, the girls in this age group (it was U-11 vs advanced U-10) do not.  So immediately after full extra time, I see the girls on the bench start to get up.  Uh-oh.  How would we know who is eligible to take the kicks?  So I yelled to my AR-1 "Get pennies on their (the team closes to him) subs" and I ran over to the other team to do the same, even preventing the players that were on the field from coming off until we had it sorted out.  After a bit of confusion, we got the right girls on the field.  My AR-1 stayed in the center circle helping the girls out, while my AR-2 positioned himself on the goal line.  So all went well.

    Obviously, the proactive solution would have been to get pennies on the girls before extra time started (or for that matter, the game). This tournament chose to use FIFA sub rules (anybody on any dead ball) with the 'unlimited' sub rule still in effect. So most teams were not wearing pennies on the bench to facilitate substitutions. I still should've mandated it in extra time though. There were Assessors lurking, so if I missed anything else I'll hear about it, but I'm sure we did everything else correctly.

  3. In one game (U-11 Girl's again) one girl told me "sir, I touched it last, it should be a corner kick." Bless her heart! I told her "well neither I or the AR saw it that way, so we'll stick with the GK, but thanks for your honesty." Too bad that honesty will go out the window real soon.
Until next time...


  1. A comment on your PK scenario. If it rebounds off of the Crossbar or Goalposts, it is definitely a double-touch and should result in a IFK, but if it comes off the Keeper, remember that he is another player and he played the ball, then it would not be a double-touch and play should continue. As for your situation, if the player did play the ball and the Keeper got it right away, I would probably not whistle for the double-touch either, because the best benefit to the defending team would be to have the Keeper punt the ball. Having said that, each game is different and depending on the age of the players, the best benefit might just be the IFK. As for the girl's honesty, that is one of the reasons I really like doing the younger girls games, because they may take a player out, but then apologize profusely and help them up. Once the get "serious" about the game, it seems like all of the "sportsmanship" goes out of the game.

  2. Anon - you are correct regarding a rebound from the Keeper.

    In this case, the game was tied 1-1 midway through 2nd half. If our player had better control, he was still effectively 1 on 1 against the keeper and should have scored.

    I've found that the U11 and U12 girls like to do a lot of, for lack of a better description, arm jousting. Usually a few "ladies, watch the arms" or "keep the arms in/down" comments manages it just fine. I just have to be on alert for when the jousts turn into pushes. :)
