Two items of interest:
- U15 Girls. There's a one-on-one battle for the ball between Team A's attacker and Team B's defender. I'm in a terrible position - right behind the play, trying to get to an angle. Team B's player falls. From my angle, I could not tell if she tripped or was pushed. My AR (and the parents) saw a good push. I make no call. My AR kind of raises his flag, thinks I tell him to drop it, then ultimately a goal is scored by Team A. I run over to my AR and we decide to disallow the goal since there was a foul on Team A. The coach for Team A wasn't too happy, but was ultimately satisfied with the explanation. In the long run, it didn't matter - Team A won handily. Lesson learned - make sure the AR is definitive and make sure I am!
- U14 Girls "SuperLeague." I'm the AR on a corner kick. Girl kicks the ball towards the goal, keeper mishandles it, goal scored. NOPE. I'm right on the goal line, I see the ball cross over the line in flight, therefore I raise my flag. CR picks up my flag, blows whistle, then I signal GK. Of course, this happens right in front of our field mentors and another team who plays the next game. It's the absolute correct call - even a few players from the other team say to me "great call ref." I saw the coach for the team who didn't get the goal throw his hat down, but never says a word to me as he knew I was right there. Always pay attention as an AR!
Like I said, kind of uneventful start.
So we kick off Fall State and President's Cup this Labor Day weekend. Still awaiting my assignments (if any). We start HS this Thursday. ALSO - I picked up some College Club team games (NCCSA). Just AR for now as I don't know what I'm getting myself in to (and the Assignor wants me to AR a few games before picking up CR). Although the NCCSA games don't count towards USSF certification, they should still be a great experience for me since these will be the first U18+ games I'm working. All that means is I have 3 badges to carry with me - USSF, HSSO, and NCCSA. Oh and 3 separate sets of Laws/Rules to keep straight!
Until next time...